Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Phish is this weekend! Except for the 8 hour drive i guess it's supposed to take, I'm pretty psyched. How are they going to pull off three sets each day? Amazingly, that's how. Camping's gonna be sweet as well... setting up a little shanty town with a generator, i'm told.. not too shabby.
Why they picked Limestone Maine, almost the northern most point of the US, I don't know. But
..It's gonna be sweet.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

It's not just the kissing! A lot of it is waiting to kiss.

What is this Love stuff? What is this emotional attachment that comes from sexual activety? Why do these things go hand in hand? Why can't we treat people as objects..? Wait, we can't... Because they're people, and anyone who has any human compassion realizes that everyone has feelings and emotions.

And what's the difference between the social norm of sex and what's actually right and wrong? Fifty years ago, husbands and wives slept in separate beds, and now college students get it on with a different person each week. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but where do you draw the line? When is it fun, and when is it something more? Furthermore, how are we suppposed to know? There aren't any rules.

And what's the point of dating? Is it to find a mate and procreate (and rhyme), or is it to experience a wide variety of different people? Part of me says, why date? ...someone will just get hurt in the end. But a bigger part of me says, you won't know anything until you try. Now that may seem like the beginning of an infinite loop, but I figure the more you DO try, the more you know about other people, and more importantly, yourself.

But that brings me back to this emotional attachment. With the said mindset, you are back to treating people like objects. No matter how many people you get involved with, you end up having some kind of connection with them... Unless of course everyone's memory was simultaneously erased, but that won't happen ...yet. It is my thought that the intensity of the relationship has a direct impact on the lasting connection. The longer and more involved you get with the person, the longer it takes to get over it.

But this is all common knowledge... or should be. So I guess people should just have a good time, but still make sure of each other's expectations. Put in whatever you want to have taken out on you... In a good way.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Fast Times at Essex J

There are two ways (among others) to measure people:

  • Intelligence
  • Eccentricity

Thus creating four different categories of people:

  • Incomplex and conventional
  • Intelligent and conventional
  • Incomplex and eccentric
  • Intelligent and eccentric
...Creating a plane with 2 axes and four quadrants into which everyone falls.

I will now explain why I like/dislike each group.


The best of the four. These people have the ability to use their wits in weird ways, thus making for very interesting (and often hilarious) conversation. Because they are offbeat, they don't let their intelligence go to their heads. Therefore they are friendly and often humble, and when they do crazy things, there is usually a good reason behind it all.


These people, while they may provide a cheap thrill once or twice, usually become very annoying. Due to their lowbrow humor, their jokes are not funny and become far too frequent. They don't care what other people think about their stupidity, which usually leads to somone else getting hurt. In the end, their only notoriety willl come from getting injured or dying doing something stupid.


Quadrant three can be categorized as the nicest of the four. Being "Dumb" and "Dull" doesn't sound too appealing, but for who they are as people, they make out pretty well. "Dumb" should be replaced with "Enjoys the simple things in life," and "Dull" should be "Respectful." They usually get along very well with the other four and have the amazing ability to go at their own pace.


Remember the people who always answered every question in class and were not satisfied with anything less than an A? They fall here. Conventional smart people are both egocentric and boring. No one wants to hear what they have to say, and when they do talk, it's in a very condescending tone.You've come into contact with each of these groups at least once in your life, whether you realize it or not. Hopefully now, you will realize it more.

Disclaimer: I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Let's see what happens

Since I'm probably going to minor in english, it might be a good idea to do some writing this summer... Not that this will help improve my writing, but i thought I'd give it a try any way. On the other hand, trying is the first step towards failure. On the former hand, these ARE trying times... full of TRYals and TRYbulations... Ok I'm done.

This is not going to be a detailed log of my every action. After all, I do in fact have a Y chromosome... (Ba dum tss). No, this is just going to be my thoughts about things that come to mind. A quote comes to mind right now:

"I can't wait 'till I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff." - Fry (Futurama, one of the better shows out there).

I AM old enough, and I think it's high time I express my ways about stuff, whether you want to hear it or not. I don't care. Being the future junior I will be at unh, things in life are starting to have meaning. My actions and their consequences, my feelings and beliefs, my values mean so much more than they did in high school. Independence is a mixed blessing and creates much confusion. Maybe this will help me sort it out.

...and improve my spelling.