Boy cries wolf, has a few laughs... I forget how it ends.
Aw man, I'm always forgetting things. I leave my cell-phone in a car heading hundreds of miles west, I leave my backpack (with wallet) in this guy's car. And I leave blasted Simpsons Trivia at a friends house back home. What's my deal? I need to stop spacing out! Everything's just a daydream to me. Important situations are either forgotten or needlessly worried about. Important possesions are treated with baffling indifference. Right now, I notice numerous cds floating around my room separted from their cases. Clothes are wrapping around my room like ivy. A plate, juice boxes, beer bottles, and hot-pocket cases are just sitting around. The worst part: I'm not going to do much about any of this. I notice it and I acknowledge it, but come time to fix my absent-minded ways, I do absolutely nothing. Oh well. The rant is over. -End communication.