Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A perfectly serviceable wagon story

Why is it that the simpsons is only mentioned in the news when it deals with "gay issues." Homer's Phobia in the eighth season won some kind of an award that year... I think it was an emmy or something. Anyway, in it, Homer makes friends with some guy, but unbeknownst to him, he's gay. So for a while, Homer's disgusted but then learns a valuable lesson about equality. Then, a couple of years ago (season 14), Three Gays Of the Condo comes out in which Homer has two gay roommates and kisses one of them. That got nominated for some kind of award. Now, they're taking it to the next level, by legalizing gay marriage in Springfield! And of course, the news is all agog, and Christian Conservatives are screaming "Who will think of the children!?" And the circus has begun.
I've never considered The Simpsons to be a South Park-type show where they're pushing all sorts of boundaries, and trying to incite shock. The Simpons has been good, but only because it's a good show. Why can't the media get excited by a solid, good episode? Why does it have to be gay? The show certainly did not pioneer that lifestyle, so why is it getting all this attention? I wanted headlines when Lisa the Vegetarian came out. Or what about Cape Fear? These were classics!! They deserve the real attention. Not fake, gay attention. Gee wiz.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Beautiful gold, so-so silver, and shameful bronze.

Here are two reasons why I don't like the olympics:

1. They're a waste of planet earth's time.
Here we are, some of the most powerful countries in the world... sure we all have problems, but let's take a break and watch your superhumans compete against our superhumans. Never mind that half your country is starving, let's focus our attention on the people who really matter: Athletes. They don't get enough attention already with their millions of dollars, legions of fans, and shoe endorsements. Let's see how they do on a global scale. That sounds fun. It also sounds fun to fuel more rivalry between each country. I don't think the wars we've been having are enough competition. Let's settle this in the swimming pool, where one of our guys can claim that America is the best country. We're not used to THAT! that's sarcasm.

2. They're BORING!
Why are these things televised every four years? We only care who won. Who cares if it was only by .02 seconds? These "sports" aren't even fun to watch. With Basketball/Hockey/Football/(and to a lesser extent)baseball you never know what's going to happen. They're exciting. With the olympics, whoever trains the most or is favored wins. Didn't see that coming.Also, are the olympics even sports? NO. They're always referred to as the summer/winter GAMES. And that's just what they are: childish games.

"I bet I can throw this stick farther than you!"
"Oh yeah, I'll race you around this field. ReadysetGO!"
"Hey Mom! Hey dad! watch me dive!"
"Look how high I can jump!"
"HEY! no fair taking steroids!"

Here's an idea: Why don't you all go back to your podunk towns and run and jump with the kids at the playground, cause no one cares about some jerk from Wisconsin who can ski .14 seconds faster than a Russian.

On the plus side, between classes today, I was sweetly serenaded by the T-hall bells/PA system or whatever. How nice... Who needs an i-pod.