Friday, June 16, 2006

Like the moors of Scotland...

Here are some murky areas of discussion:

  • Pheromones. What's the deal with those? I'll bet the most "attractive" people out there are hiding something from the rest of us.

  • Hypnotism. Same argument. Bush seems like the easily suggestible type...

  • Cell phone usage in cars: Necessity or desire for human contact while alone in the car?

  • The "How to Merge" lesson that was mysteriously omitted from Massachusetts Driver's ED curriculum.

  • My contrived sarcasm

  • The origins of E-mail forwards

  • The popularity of Dane Cook

  • Dunkin Donuts. My theory is that we're not addicted to the coffee, but the massive amount of added sugar.

  • The balance between romantic chivalry and women equaling men in rights.

  • Should I open your car-door or not!?

  • The strange deliciousness of eggplant

  • I'm hungry