Some stuff:
- Other people might not see through Harry Potter's bullshit, but I do.
- Lily Allen sings some pretty catchy songs, but her lyrics are rather elementary and littered with cliches
- I can't sit down for an extended period of time with a wallet in my back pocket.
- In "Bart's Comet" (2F11), what was Bart's "SuperFriends" nickname?
- Technology jerks need to arrive at a standard format of flash media
- I think I'm going to start wearing my employee badge on my waist instead of around my neck. This way, my life will change completely.
- Robot Chicken is the funniest show on television right now.
- I haven't checked lately...kinda not really lately at all.
- Greed is good.
- An animated Napoleon Dynamite is just as good as humanoid ND.
- I see Nicholas Gurewitch agrees with my assessment of Myspace
- Let's see if I find a way to double-space this list before I post it.
- I need to get back to work