Monday, January 09, 2006

Chicago Tribune | Howard Stern: uncensored, uninteresting

Chicago Tribune Howard Stern: uncensored, uninteresting

I had a hunch...

I can't say I 'm a longtime fan of Stern but I listened to him in high school and for the past six months--pre-satellite move. I must say, I was a fan.

He had the only morning radio show worth distracting me from the road. It was real, raw and rather encompassing. I'd often sit in my car in the company parking lot, listening to the end of a rant or conversation. It brought me back to my days on my high school cross-country team. Everyday I'd be around the same group of people who could spout off about anything they wanted. Young and immature, we answered to no one. That's the way Howard was. Other DJs were more like class presidents: attempting to appease both the student body and the administration, often having more success with the latter. I always got the impression they were giving us what they thought we wanted to hear... which of course never works.

Notice the unwavering use of the past tense in the above paragraph. Now that Stern is broadcasting from satellite, he is no longer broadcasting from my radio. While this may seem like a let-down, I'm fairly unmoved.

Rules are meant to be broken, and Howard just about ran the gamut. So with the radio-waves exhausted, satellite seemed like the new, untamed frontier. Except this frontier is a vast wasteland with very few settlers. Sure you can throw some rocks and kick a few tumbleweeds, but in the end, will you receive more than a glance?
...I don't feel like tying this analogy back to the topic at hand.

PS. This was probably only a test of the "BlogThis" feature from Google.

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