Friday, January 06, 2006

Wave of the Future

Well here it is. I've just transcribed the entire works of Stuff and Stuff and thusly created Stuff and Stuff 2.0. I've risked losing my employment as well as a fair amount of sanity, but it's done. Here's a link to where all this stuff used to be until I pulled out my shine-rag, polished it off and sent it to a new home.

This just marks another victory for progress though. Livejournal is a graveyard, and you are now reading one of its zombie corpses. Just like the rips in your jeans and the ipod in your pocket, you gotta keep up. No, this world just wasn't meant for lazy people like me. Luckily, I had a rare stroke of productivity today.

...Now to hopefully channel it into software development.

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